söndag 9 december 2007


Självklart Vickan snor jag listan. Men hua den här var ju hemsk den ;)

1. What did you first thought about when you saw yourself in the mirror this morning?
Noooo morning again...

2. How much cash do you have on you?
Like 7 SKR or so

3. Which is the last text-message you got (the last one in every language if you have more)
Well I´m very good at erasing my message but the one saved says this:
Hahahahahahahaha foton räknas inte ;) och det man inte minns har inte hänt :P nu ska jag sova! god natt :) puss (hahahahahahahah pics dont counts ;) and what you cant remember has not happend :P now im going to sleep! good night :) kiss)

4. Last SMS in your outbox?
Scheisse! Has to past this question ;)

5. Who is the 4th person on your calling list on your cell-phone??
Henrik (my brother)

6. Which song do you have when someone calls you?
Lännä Nykäsen Matti

7. What do you have on your upper-body now?
Black bra, yellow Swiss t-shirt

8. Who is the last celebrity you met?
Ehhh some ski jumper in traningcamp in Klingenthal. Hmm the most famous of them? Kofi I guess, he do have Olympic medals. Is ski jumper celebritys? Dont know. Not for me. But maybe for some.

9. Which shoe-brand is it on your shoes right now?
Have not shoes on

10. A dark or a light room?

11. What did you do on midnight?
Watching TV

12. What does the oldest SMS say that you have?
Halloj. Riktigt längesen vi pratade. Hoppas allt e bra! Hästarna har gått jättebra i vår men nu e Ante snorig å hostig...Ingen feber iaf. Så d blir ingen tävlingsstart för mig på tisdag. Jaja...håller på att måla om huset å stallet. Puh. Vi hörs nånting.

13. Which lip-gloss do you use?

14. Which expression do you use most often?
Dont know, what I use to say. What? Maybe...

15. To whom did you say "I love you" the last time?
My horse ;) (the not stubborn one..hahaha)

16. Which furry"stuff" did you touch most recently?
One of my cats

17. Which drugs have you used the last 3 days?

18. Which parfume do you have on?
Puma Flowing

19. Which age has been the best one until now?
well all i quite good

20. Your worst enemy?
Dont know

21. What do you have as a desktop background right now?
Hmmm hahaha HAVU who else ;)

22. What was the last thing you said to someone?
We keep in touch next week (talking in phone to my helper with the horses)

23. One million dollar or the ability to fly?

24. Do you like someone special right now?
Yeah I do

25. Last song you heard?
Kuuma Kesä

26. How old where the person you last slept with?
Well....ehhhh dont really know how old he was....

27. How many years younger was the youngest person you've done something with?
I really dont have any clue.

28. The last taken picture of you?
Think it must be this one

1 kommentar:

Vicky M sa...

oki nu ska jag minsann kommentera. feeegis med outboxen!!! Sen har du länkat fel till fotot, dvs du måste gå in på det, annars kan bara folk som e vänner me mig/dig se det ;)