måndag 12 mars 2007

Fantasin tryter idag

Kommer inte på något smart att skriva. Har haft en liten slappa dag, varit på ansiktsbehandling, strosat runt på stan i solskenet, sett kvalet i Kuopio (som för övrigt gick bra för vissa) men nu har jag lärt mig att träning är träning, kval är kval och tävling är tävling, så jag tänker inte ta ut något alls i förskott inför tävlingen imorgon.....

Har i alla fall börjat packa lite inför resan på onsdag som ska bli sjukt kul, snälla Vickan peppade mig igår när jag var missmodig och kom på det ultimata senariot. Om Havu hoppar dåligt nog så skickas han nog till COC:n i Zakopane. Då får jag se honom där. Väl där vinner han båda tävlingarna, eller hoppar i alla fall så bra så att han tas ut till WC:n i Planica. Då får jag se honom där med. Wishful thinking och tänk om det kunde bli så ändå! Har även sökt Malin för att höra om hon ska med eller ej (men inte fått tag på henne än).

Eftersom jag inte har mer kul att berätta kör jag lite mer best of Matti Hautamäki, har suttit och skrattat en bra stund framför datorn.

Question: How's life in Finland? Do people treat you there as a star? Or can you just hang out without having people asking for your autograph or a photo or whatever comes up in their ind? Answer: They usually spit at my direction.

Question: Did you know that the word "because" is written with -au- and not with -ou-? Just to mention... Ask your ýounger brother, his english is perfect. Anyway, that looks some sort of cute and you can go on writing "becouse". Just told you, maybe you want your english to improve ;-P Answer: Tänks.

Question: Why are boys so complicate?!? Answer: It's becouse of females changes of mood...

Question: which i asked before, but u didnt answer (which is understandable cuz its a weird question) but is it true u dont wear underwear? Im askin, cuz on www.skispringen.com theres a discussion about that exact question, which has been going on for days - some say u dont wear undies, some say u wear thongs & others say u wear..well whatever! So, could u tell me which one of the many "rumours" is a fact? By the way : u were voted to be the sexiest skijumper - congratulations there! now smile Answer: I'm really starting to doubt your people mental health...

Question: what do you do when you are in a bad mood??Have you got any good way to overcome it??Some people get drunk,but this wouldn*t probably help.. Answer: Yea it will...

Question: You won today in Hakuba. But don't you think that the jury should stopped competitions? Do you think it was fair and safe to jump in such conditions? And don't you think that the jury helped you to win (or at least to jump so well in first round?). Good luck in next competitions! :-) Answer: Oh my god! It was January, middle of winter, and it started to snow! It can't always be sunshine and birds singing... And of course they helped, how else you can explain that I won?

Question: Are you real Matti Hautamaeki?? Because I don't believe in it..:/ Answer: Oh my god, what can we do..?

Question: Did you ever thougt to become this famous (especially the female fans) when started jumping? Answer: I was 7 years old. What do you think?

Question: how can you be sure that if you date a girl, she is interested in your personality and not just in the famous skijumper ? Answer: What makes you think that I care? Besides, in Finland I ain't THAT famous...

Question: Is it true, that whether you jump good or not is made up mainly in your head, not in your physicals? Well, but if, isn`t then skijumping easy? Cause your brain is influenceable by YOU. So you just have to be in a good mood and highly motivated and then you jump better? Answer: Wow... You're a genius...

Question: Why is your name written "Hautameki" on the top of the page? Answer: Read again. (min anm: det stod hautamaeki, eftersom man inte kan använda bokstaven ä i en internetadress)

Question: Yo! Because of the weather conditions, what d'u think about having a Winter Grand Prix and move the proper World Cup to summer? Skiing all summer , why not? It's the XXI century, anything can happen :P Greetz Answer: If that happens someday, I'll quit...

Question: Gotta real serious question & it would be very kind if u could give me an answer. What`s up with Peksi? Why is he jumping that bad? All his fans are missing him and we are very worried about him. Answer: Hähää... Gotta show this to Peksi...!

Question: Terve Matti! What is your favoritue beer? Answer: Cold...

Question: Moi! It´s a question bout your page not about you...would you publish a pic I took if it´s good? Answer: Why not? Is it dirty?

Question: Now I have tried to ask you this question two times before, but eighter you dont wanna answear the question or I'm doing something wrong here. My question was if you're snuffing or not...!?! I saw a picture of you were it seemed like you did it, but I just wanna be shure=) Answer: You are doing something wrong there...

Question: Hello Matti!!Hmm all time i'm wondering why u always says"chance is fifty-sixty" no "fifty-fifty".Could u explain it?? Answer: A great philosopher Matti Nykänen once said: "chances are fifty-sixty". I think that's brilliant.

Question: Eh..Matti, I think there's a little mistake in one of your answers. You wrote that your most awesome experience in skijumping was Planica 2002, but your worldrecords (and I'm sure that you mean that) were this year, 2003!! Just to remind you... ;-) Answer: And you think that you know my experiences better than m'self? But that's ok, most people seem to think so... Anyway, in Planica 2002 practice round I thought that I'm gonna die or atleast break my legs. So that's my most awesome experience.. Just to let you know.. ;-)

Question: Why don't you have pets? Don't you like them? Answer: And becouse I don't have a pet, must mean that I hate them, right?..

Question: Just lerned in University that "hauta" means "grave" - are you sure your name isn't an artists-name???? ;-) Answer: I think I know my own name...

Question: I would be glad if you tell me why so intelligent man does not study and the only thing he does is sport? Because as I know every spotsman should have a back-up career, and what is yours? and inspite of that we love you and wish you all the best. Answer: Are you sure that jumping is the only thing I do?

Question: I´ve send you so many questions several times but you NEVER answer one of it!!! On the other hand I mention that you´ve answered questions two times (for example: why you`ve cut you hair) So I don´t understand where´s the justice???? Answer: Count slowly in your mind 10 to 1, and take a deep breathe and relax...

Question: Does your brother Hannu really exist???? No one have seen his photo etc :P It's strange hehe Answer: I believe you haven't seen my cousins photo either. And yet he still exist.

Question: is it true, that you will become a baby???? Answer: I was a baby about 20 years ago, but I think it's not possible to get so much younger...!

Question: Matti, are you always so ironic? Answer: No

Question: Did you feel pain or joy when you jumped 231 m? Answer: Do you feel pain or joy when you win in a lottery?

Question: Do you talk to fans during a competition?? Answer: Yep, when I'm in the air...

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