tisdag 6 maj 2008

Skicka vidare (jag gillar sällan "kedjebrev" men det här är värt det!)

Jag grät inte i slutet som Vicky, mitt jobb har gjort mig förhärdad - på gott och ont.....

I want EVERBODY to watch this and please send it on...

With all the child abuse cases that are constantly happening in our world its time that we all took a stand... How many little babies and children need to suffer before we take a stand! I cannot understand how any person -parent or not - could do such awful things to such innocent and helpless lives.With all the publicised cases of abuse of late not ONE person in DOCS has been made accountable - WHY?

Please forward this too all you know - the video might be an american girl but her story unfortunetly happens everywhere!

ITS TIME WE TOOK A STAND!We must spread awareness to stop child abuse, our children need our protection.

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